On Sunday December 9th at 3:18 PM our son Isaac Thomas was born. He weighed eight pounds and four ounces. The drive down to the birth and family place in Salt Lake City was when Nicole handled most of her labor. She barely made a sound in the back seat, dealing with the pain internally; all I could hear was steady controlled breathing. She dealt with the pain so well that as I was driving I thought they would send us back due to a false alarm! When we arrived at the birthing center at 2:35 PM, Nicole told her midwife she felt the urge to push. She got in the tub, and before we knew it, baby Isaac was born! Nicole delivered naturally and her strength surprised even me. What a gift from God.
When we got home (about 8:30 PM on Sunday), Isaac slept well during the night and had no problems nursing, two things that were very different wit

h Gabri. Cindy is in town helping us with the kids, cooking and cleaning so Nicole and I have been just taking it easy for the most part (Gabri and Isaac aren't doing so bad themselves as you can see).