Friday, November 9, 2007

Dressing Up

Gabri decided that she wanted to dress up today, so she put on some bunny ears for a tiarra. Lucky for me, the princess decided that she needed another royal friend:

Long live the queen.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Little Monkey

Here is Gabri in her monkey costume that she wore for Halloween. Nicole put candy in her shrek-head basket before they went out. The first house she went to, she tried to give the people who answered the door her candy. Hopefully that generosity carries on into adulthood!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Birth of our Blog

The title is latin for "Love Conquers All." It is a quote from the first century B.C. Italian poet, Virgil. I thought it would be appropriate for our family as we are sinners, but by God's grace love is victorious.